
THC Detox Guide – How to Clean Your Body From Weed? 

Relief. That is what many people with chronic illnesses and terminal diagnoses felt when some states legalized the use of medical cannabis. Unfortunately, the abuse of weed is still a huge problem. The reason is that many smokers use cannabis (THC) not for medical purposes but to feel high. That is why the questions about THC detox to pass a drug test or to beat the marijuana addiction are very much on time.

Scientific research and statistics also show concern about this rising problem. According to the report posted by PubMed Central, about 300,000 U.S. citizens annually start marijuana detox therapy. And this number keeps growing. The same study shows the sad dynamics during the previous decade. About 15% of individuals in the USA reported occasional or regular weed use in 2021. These numbers were twice as small in 2012 – only 7%. What can you do to avoid being a part of these statistics?

Our following detox guide will highlight the answers to this serious question. We will show you that there are safe and reliable ways to overcome the THC intoxication. Your motives for learning about the weed detox can be different – maybe you want to drop using weed or just avoid the consequences at work or court. It doesn’t matter. Just do it and we will show you how.

how to get weed out of your system

How Does Marijuana Affect Your Body?

THC Effects

Before telling you about the effects of marijuana, we can’t skip the elephant in the room – THC. It is short for tetrahydrocannabinol – the main component of marijuana that makes it a drug. When THC goes inside your body it eventually interacts with the endocannabinoid system that bides CB1 receptors in your brain. To make it simpler, THC and cannabinoids affect the increased dopamine release. That is why healthy people start to feel “happier” and ill people get short pain relief.

If you use weed only for medical purposes strictly on schedule then the side effects from THC are minimal.

Side Effects from THC

But if you abuse the weed use and take it for a long term prepare for such side effects as (proved by this report posted at PubMed portal):

  • Impaired cognitive functions – memory, attention, and coordination can get worse;
  • Increase heart rate;
  • Bloodshot eyes;
  • Mental health issues;

Ways of Consuming THC and Detection Windows

Smoking weed through the rolled joints or pipes is an unbeatable “classic” when you think about marijuana use. But besides this traditional method, there are many other ways to consume cannabis. There are edibles like cookies or cakes with weed seeds or leaves. Also, it is possible to vaporize and inhale the smoke. The method of use affects how long you will feel “high”. Additionally, it impacts the detection time (window) when passing a drug test.

The detection window is different if you smoke, eat, or inhale/vaporize weed. When you smoke from a joint or pipe, THC goes straight to the lungs and acts faster. When you eat weed-contained products, THC starts to act slower because it needs time to go through the digestive system and go to the bloodstream. Vaporizing is the safest way because it reduces the THC combustion and bypass products but it also goes straight to the lungs.

To know how to get THC out of your system you have to understand that a few factors affect the detection window during a drug test:

  • Your metabolism;
  • Body fat – the more body fat you have, the slower the THC detox is because it stays in fat cells;
  • Consumption method;
  • Frequency of use;
  • The use of certain prescribed medications for chronic disorders;
  • The drug test type – labs can detect the THC metabolites in your samples of hair, saliva, blood and urine;
  • Methods of detoxes – commercial supplements or natural remedies;

So many factors matter! For example, this comparison table shows how to frequency of marijuana use and the type of drug test impact on the detection window of cannabis metabolites from your sample in a lab.

Frequency of Use Urine Test Saliva Test Blood Test
First-time users 1-3 days 1-3 hours 1-2 days
Occasional users 3-7 days 1-3 days 2-7 days
Regular users 7-30 days 1-3 days 7-14 days
Heavy users 30 days 1-3 days 14-30 days

Now you are aware of how long does it take to get weed out of your system or at least to become untraceable. We didn’t include the hair follicle test because it detects the THC residue up to 90 days in any case. However, since the hair tests are expensive and the samples are easy to contaminate, most U.S. labs do not use these tests for employment screening or legal procedures.

The Cases When You Need to Go Through Weed Detox

Even if you don’t use marijuana often, there are cases when you quickly need to find out how to get weed out of your system.

The most common situation is the requirement at your workplace. Many U.S. companies have a strict anti-drug policy, including even the occasional use of marijuana unless a doctor prescribes it. Employees have to go through the regular drug checkups. Also, job candidates have to do the so-called pre-employment screenings before getting hired.

Another common case when you need to provide samples for drug tests is the legal requirement for becoming a guardian. Potential guardians need to demonstrate their intention to have a drug-free lifestyle for the safety of elderly people or little kids.

One more place where all the participants should do regular drug checkups is athletic competitions. Athletes have to warn about every medication, supplement, or herbal remedy they use because these substances can be considered doping.

Also, we can’t forget the legal cases such as probation conditions or custody battles. To avoid paying fines or criminal charges you need to learn how to get weed out of your system. Your life literally may depend on this knowledge.

As you can see, in many cases THC detox can be essential for meeting professional or legal requirements. Choose effective THC detox programs or reliable THC detox kits to save yourself from any unnecessary anxiety or serious troubles.

How to Choose the Best Way to Detox from Weed?

The right choice of a THC detox method impacts the term of how long does it take for weed to be cleared from the body. Some detox products work faster, some need time to act in your body and cleanse it. The following factors will help to choose the best detox drinks, pills, shampoos, or kits for passing a drug test. Also, we recommend to consult a doctor before using any new supplement or over-the-counter medication.

Drug Test Type

Try to find out what kind of drug test you need to pass. As we have already said above, some tests can reveal cannabis leftovers even after a month of smoking or eating cannabis. Some detox products are good only for passing certain drug tests. Shampoos will help to beat the hair test while synthetic urine kits are great for passing a urine drug test.

Time to Work

Keep in mind that most detox drinks for weed can flush out the THC metabolites much faster than THC detox pills. If you are on a timer, skip the products that need days to affect like detox pills or shampoos.

Your Weight

The Body Mass Index (BMI) matters because THC is stored in fat cells. If you are overweight than your standard BMI then prepare that the THC detox approach may take longer than for slimmer people.

Frequency of Weed Use

We’ve already mentioned this factor when we were talking about the detection windows. THC detox methods and products vary for occasional, moderate, regular, and heavy users.

Brand Reputation

Commercial products should be made by reputable brands like Detoxify or TestClear (Toxin Rid). Check the brand’s background and positive customer feedback.


Good brands will never hide the formula’s compounds of their products. Because you need to know that the ingredients are safe and won’t cause an allergic shock or severe intolerance.

Understandable Directions for Use

Simple use and detailed instructions are great for a successful THC detox. Do not be afraid to ask questions if the brand has a live customer support service.


It is wonderful when the commercial detox product is sold for under $ 50. But keep in mind that well-known brand will sell their products for $ 100 per kit or bottle. Also, you may need to buy a few kits or packages to learn how to detox before the actual drug test day.

Also, we recommend double-checking the origins and certificates of a detox product you take for the first time. Your health should always be a priority!

THC Detox Products

The market of commercial THX detox products offers many different solutions and detox plans in various forms. Let’s take a look at some popular products.

Detox Drinks

It is hard to find the best detox drink to pass drug test but much easier to say the most popular one. Detoxify Mega Clean tops the list. This is a quick-acting solution that helps to boost urination and the natural detox process. It helps to reduce the toxin levels of THC. But only for a limited time period. You need to drink the whole bottle 2 hours before the test and then drink water every 10-15 minutes. Make sure your frequent bathroom walks won’t cause suspicion.

Detox Pills

Unlike any best THC detox drink, Toxin Rid pills won’t just cover the THC metabolites for the short term. Instead, they help to detoxify the body completely. That is why these pills with an effective detoxification program may take up to 10 days to prepare your body for blood and urine tests. It is a safe and reliable option based on all-natural components.

Detox Mouthwash

TestClear Toxin Rid Rescue Wash is a good last-minute solution before passing a saliva drug test. This all-natural mouthwash quickly neutralizes THC metabolites in the user’s saliva. You should do it for a temporary cleanse that lasts from 30 to 60 minutes. Use it right before the test.

Detox Shampoos

But if you want to pass a hair drug test any THC detox pills, mouthwashes or drinks won’t help you. You need to use the special detox shampoos. There are at least 2 good detox shampoos you may try:

  • Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid Shampoo. Its innovative formula is good for the deep cleaning of your hair follicles so you can pass the hair drug tests without getting caught. Remember that you need to use this shampoo during several before the test;
  • Zydot Ultra Clean. It is another great solution for the deep cleansing of the hair strands. Use it together with the Toxin Rid shampoo. It is a good choice for the one-time use;

Check the comparison table between these 2 products. Honestly, it is better to use them together to get the maximum detox effect.

Feature Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid Zydot Ultra Clean
Effectiveness High Moderate, good for support
Duration of use Many washes over the days One-time use

These are some of the greatest THC detox products nowadays. But remember that in some states it can be problematic to buy them at local drugstores. However, you can always order most of these products online with discounts on the official website of the corresponding brand.

Home Remedies to Clean Your System of Weed in 24 Hours

Suppose, you only have 24 hours before passing a drug test. And you don’t have any brand detox products nearby. What to do? Try a few home remedies that may allegedly help you detox from marijuana faster. We’ve gathered the most common methods, according to the drug test type they may help to pass. As usual, we remind you that self-treatment can involve certain health risks.

Certo Sure Jell + Gatorade – Urine Drug Test

Some weed users claim that mixing Certo (a.k.a. fruit pectin) with Gatorade can help to flush out THC from the body faster than just drinking water. Certo binds THC and helps to remove it through frequent urination.

Pizza + Hydrogen Peroxide – Saliva Test

To cover the traces of THC in your saliva, you may try eating fat pizza and swish the mouth (no swallowing!) with hydrogen peroxide. However, this method is quite risky to use if you are in a hurry.

Macujo Method – Hair Test

This method is quite radical but very effective. You can mix the detox shampoo, vinegar, and detergent to wash your hair thoroughly. This smelly and toxic mixture can do the deep cleansing of your hair strands from THC metabolites.

Jerry J Method – Hair Test

It is very similar to the Macujo method. You need to use the special detox shampoos and apple cider vinegar to clean your hair. Be careful and protect your skin and eyes while using this method.

Non-Effective or Dangerous Home Remedies

  • Baking soda – never inhale or ingest the raw baking soda straight from the pack. It can be very dangerous;
  • Aspirin’s effectiveness as a masking agent for urine tests was not proven. Check this scientific report to make sure of it. Also, taking too much aspirin is potentially bad for your health;
  • Niacin or Vitamin B3 is a common component in many detox drinks. But the excessive dose of this ingredient can cause severe flushing and general discomfort;

No matter what you think is the best way to detox your body in 24 hours at home, always do not go too radical like using the life-threatening bleach or vinegar taken inside! The safety of your health is more important than anything else. Smoking weed is not a crime in most states and sometimes it is better to confess than risk your health.

Natural THC Detox – What Works and What Doesn’t Work?

If you have a few weeks before the regular drug test and want to detox naturally, it can be one of the safest ways. You can follow a few natural weed detox methods with positive feedback from regular weed smokers.

Fruit Pectin

Food products like Certo include a component called fruit pectin. Pectin supposedly can bind the THC in the digestive system and cover the metabolites’ traces in the urine. Some occasional users mix fruit pectin with sugary beverages may boost the effectiveness of natural detox a few days before the test.

Regular Exercise

If you exercise regularly, your body will start to sweat and boost the metabolism mechanisms. Also, exercises help to burn the fat tissues where THC metabolites are stored. We recommend activities like cycling or running that also help to strengthen the cardiovascular system.

Sauna Therapy

Besides regular exercises, the sauna can cause excessive sweating to flush the toxins, including the THC byproducts. Also, the heat may regulate the blood circulation. However, sauna sessions should be approved by a doctor before you start doing it.

Eat the Diet with Fiber

Change your diet or increase the daily meals with fruits, veggies, and whole grains. They help to flush out the toxins like THC naturally.

Drink Water

You need to stay hydrated to flush out the THC metabolites faster. Add to your daily diet natural THC detox drinks like herbal teas and coffee. But keep in mind that urination will be very increased.

Side Effects of THC Detox

Home remedies for marijuana detox can be dangerous because you typically rely on unverified methods. But they may still work for occasional weed users. The other problem is the cannabis withdrawal symptoms from THC detox.

No matter if you detox naturally or with the help of different remedies, prepare for some unpleasant effects of marijuana withdrawal. THC detox causes sudden changes in brain chemistry and functions even in a healthy body. Especially, if you use weed regularly, the detox processes can be palpable.

Luckily, the most common withdrawal symptoms of THC detox are not dangerous and more unpleasant:

  • Insomnia and fatigue;
  • Irritability and anxiety;
  • Decreased appetite;
  • Mood swings;
  • Headaches;
  • Sweating and cold chills;
  • Cravings for weed in stressful situations;

You can reduce the risk of these negative side effects. The best way is to use trustworthy methods and gradually detox from the weed. Also, regular light exercises and relaxation techniques can help to cope with stress and insomnia.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Are the Most Common Symptoms of THC Detox?

Nausea, sweating, anxiety, poor sleep patterns and irritability. These side effects are the common signs of THC detox withdrawal.

How Long Does THC Stay in the Body?

According to some research, THC may remain in a body for 3 months even after a single use. But the detection in blood is possible only during 2 weeks. The most common in the U.S. urine drug tests can detect THC metabolites during 1 month but only for heavy weed smokers.

Are THC Detox Drinks Effective?

Yes, certified products like Detoxify Mega Clean are very effective.

Can I Pass a Drug Test After Smoking Weed Once?

Yes, you can but you need to act quickly, especially if the test is sooner than a week after the weed use. Use detox drinks or pills to cleanse your body faster.

Can Secondhand Smoke Cause a Failed Hair Drug Test?

Yes, it can. That is why hair drug tests are not popular since the hair may be contaminated. In other cases (urine and blood tests), the THC concentration in the bloodstream or pee from secondhand smoke is too low to detect.


THC detox is a very complex and sensitive process that you should take seriously. You just can’t rely on a lucky coincidence, especially if you need to be clean from marijuana on the day of drug testing in your company or in a court. Hopefully, our guide helped to figure out how to detox from weed safely with the help of commercial solutions, detox program options, and natural remedies. Stay healthy!


Best THC Detox Drinks for Weed to Pass a Drug Test

Everyone resorts to “the best magical, all-cleanse drinks” whenever there’s a drug test in their workplace but we’ll tell you to slow down. Why so? You need to know how to actually get the best detox drink, which is Detoxify Mega Clean, to pass a urine drug test and sideline the gimmicky ones easily.

While some have gotten away with the test, many people have often found the process nerve-wracking, especially when they have to undertake advanced drug tests like hair follicle and saliva testing. Surprisingly, even savvy detox drink users may end up failing a drug test. So, who’s the real enemy? Not knowing how to knack the cleansing process or is it the detox drinks themselves?

This article features the best detox drinks for THC drug tests, like Detoxify Mega Clean or Qcarbo32, and how to use them. We’ll also guide you through their composition and how to consume them safely.

Toxin Rid Pills Banner

Toxin Rid Pills

  • Three-part detoxification system with pre-rid tablets, liquid detox, and dietary fiber
  • The most popular product among customers
  • 7 detox programs for ANY level of toxin exposure
See Deal →
Testclear Urine Simulation Kit with Powdered Human Urine and Heater Banner Urine Simulation Kit
(Powdered Human Urine+Heater)
  • It’s real drug-free human urine
  • For people who don’t have time for a detox
  • All you need to pass a test in one pack: real urine powder, a medical vial, a temperature strip; two air-activated heaters
  • It’s undetectable
Detoxify Mega Clean Banner Mega Clean Drink + PreCleanse Pills
  • Effective for high toxicity levels
  • Cleanses system within 3 hours! Urinary, circulatory, and digestive detox
  • Works indiscriminately on all toxins
See Deal →

How Do Detox Drinks Help to Pass a Drug Test?

A urine drug test or screening is a painless medical procedure that assesses the urine composition to detect unnatural substances. The lab technician will ask you to use a private restroom to give the sample urine (30 ml). Sourcing the urine may end up supervised if the technician suspects your sample is adulterated or diluted with some specimen.

Your sample urine undergoes visual inspection, where its color is assessed and hence any attempts to dilute it are detected. After passing this step, the urine undergoes validity testing where aspects like urine gravity, temperature, pH, etc are tested. At this point, the presence of urine creatinine and adulterants like opioids and THC may be detected.

Hence the big question: Will top THC detox drinks, including Detoxify Mega Clean, help pass validity testing?

Thankfully, as drug testing upscales so do detox drink manufacturers. Meaning, that detox drinks are becoming more reliable by the day, allowing even heavy users to pass impromptu drug tests for weed.

Top Detox Drinks for Passing Your Weed Test

Detectable Substances and Their Duration in Urine

Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the psychoactive component of cannabis or marijuana, is not to be downplayed, however, as it lasts in the human body for about 90 days. The constituent dissolves in fat tissues, staying in the human body for up to 3 months, but many people speed up this process using trusted products like Mega Clean to support their cleansing goals.

The table below shows substances a urine drug test detects and their duration in urine:

Substance Duration in Urine
Tetrahydrocannabinol (heavy daily use) Up to 90 days
Benzodiazepines Up to 30 days
Buprenorphine Up to 11 days
Amphetamines Up to 3 days
Heroine/ morphine Up to 3 days
Cocaine metabolites Up to 4 days
Methadone Up to 4 days
Codeine 2 days
Alcohol Up to 12 hours

Urine drug tests undertake stringent procedures to detect any strange substance present. Such substances may alter urine’s natural appearance, selling you out right off the bat.

All You Need to Know About Detoxification

In simple terms, detoxification is the process that helps the body get rid of toxins like drugs and other substances. The process is usually medically supported to help persons dealing with acute intoxication or addiction. You can also detoxify with the use of special preparations like Toxin Rid pills or Detoxify Mega Clean Drink, which help to do it without any problems in a short time.

The Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics shows studies revealing that some medically available detox drinks may improve natural detoxification by the liver, hence boosting immunity.

Toxin Rid Pills Banner

Toxin Rid Pills

  • Three-part detoxification system with pre-rid tablets, liquid detox, and dietary fiber
  • The most popular product among customers
  • 7 detox programs for ANY level of toxin exposure
See Deal →
Testclear Urine Simulation Kit with Powdered Human Urine and Heater Banner Urine Simulation Kit
(Powdered Human Urine+Heater)
  • It’s real drug-free human urine
  • For people who don’t have time for a detox
  • All you need to pass a test in one pack: real urine powder, a medical vial, a temperature strip; two air-activated heaters
  • It’s undetectable


Detoxify Mega Clean Banner Mega Clean Drink + PreCleanse Pills
  • Effective for high toxicity levels
  • Cleanses system within 3 hours! Urinary, circulatory, and digestive detox
  • Works indiscriminately on all toxins
See Deal →

Limitations of Detox Drinks

However, this category of detox drinks helps with masking the metabolites for a particular time rather than permanently purging them. Whether you go for off-the-counter or homemade detox drinks for drug tests, such drinks will appear to have conducted a complete cleanse, but only for a while. A drug test may reveal the presence of metabolites in your body days after using the drinks.

How Detox Drinks Work

Detox drinks and pills, such as Toxin Rid or Mega Clean alter one’s urine’s chemical composition to give a negative drug test result. When ingested, they either interact with drug toxins or change the chemical composition to produce compounds that pass a urine drug test.

Such powerful drinks assist the body in diluting THC metabolites to a point below the operative threshold of drug tests. The body will hence eliminate more urine than usual as the marijuana metabolites dilute. As detoxification may wash off vitamins and minerals, most detox drinks come with essential vitamins like B2, B6, and B12 and creatinine. Such vitamins and creatinine help retain the natural color of urine during a urine drug test.

Detox Drinks vs. Detox Pills

Detox drinks are a quick fix rather than a permanent solution when it comes to drug addiction. They act as diuretics or a source of essential vitamins but do not completely cleanse your body from THC metabolites. However, detox pills like Toxin Rid are a more reliable solution.

Rather than merely masking metabolites as most detox cleanse drinks for weed do, toxin pills like Toxin Rid contain active ingredients that flush out toxins and help manage withdrawal symptoms.

When to Detox for THC

Detoxing for THC is a holistic approach that may require you to give up on weed once and for all. But if you feel it’s not time yet, abstain from it for as many days as possible before the drug test. Here are some scenarios that require marijuana cleanse drinks:

Pre-Employment Tests

Many organizations and companies are resorting to pre-employment drug tests to establish a more competent workforce and improve the quality of service. However, such organizations are required to state their employment criteria, including noting they’ll conduct a drug test.

Dot Compliance for Drivers

The Department of Transport (DOT) conducts frequent drug tests to ensure road safety among commercial drivers. While the DOT has a special focus on drinking-while-driving culprits, they regularly conduct drug tests for weed for DUI cases, and many drivers trust Detoxify Mega Clean as a reliable cleansing solution to maintain their professional standards.

Probation Checks

Persons serving probation are subject to drug tests even when the case is not drug-related. The court may require drug test results for marijuana, amphetamines, PCP, opioids, cocaine, barbiturates, and benzodiazepines.

Child Custody Cases

The court may request a drug test if it suspects that a family member is using drugs. It may require parents or any other involved parties to undertake a drug test to establish the well-being of the parents and kids involved in the case.

Federal Aid Applications

While not all public assistance benefits require drug test results beforehand, some may, especially if the agency suspects an individual. Many state laws note that individuals are to undergo drug screening only if suspicion exists for conducting the test – thankfully, trusted products like Detoxify Mega Clean can help provide peace of mind when preparing for such situations.

Reviews of Detoxify Mega Clean

Scoring criteria:

  • Price: 3/5
  • Packaging: 3/5
  • Speed: 4/5
  • Safety: 3/5
  • Overall: 3.8/5

Detox Drink Description

Mega Clean is a product of a leading detox company that makes about a dozen detoxification products. The 32-ounce fluid packs potent ingredients needed to mask THC and other substances during a drug test. If you’ve wondered what are the best detox drinks for weed, Mega Clean is one reliable solution. You might be surprised by this sentiment, seeing the internet rant about other Detoxify detox products.

However, Mega Clean works just like the best THC detox drinks by diluting, supplying essential nutrients, and acting as a diuretic.

Key Ingredients

Each 200g of Mega Clean contains essential nutrients like vitamins A, C, D, B6, B12, thiamin, niacin, riboflavin, biotin, folate, zinc, selenium, potassium, chromium, manganese, creatinine monohydrate, and calcium.

The table below shows Mega Clean’s exclusive herbal formula against their functions:

Ingredient Function
Burdock root As a diuretic, it assists in flushing out THC metabolites and has blood-cleansing properties
Dandelion Assists in toxin flush, supports a healthy liver, and enhances gall bladder function
Milk thistle Controls detoxification to minimize toxin damage
Hawthrone berry Supports heart function and enhances the cardiovascular system
Fruit fiber Binds toxins and facilitates their elimination through the digestive tract
Uva ursi Promotes kidney health and urinary tract function
Taurine An essential amino acid useful in toxin flush and enhancing metabolism

How to Use Detoxify Mega Clean

  1. Select a favorable day for using the Mega Clean detox drink for effective detoxification
  2. On the due day, shake the Mega Clean bottle and drink its entire contents
  3. Wait for 15 minutes before filling the empty Mega Clean with water, shaking it, and drinking it
  4. You’ll experience frequent urges to visit the restroom, which is an indication that the detox drink is working.
  5. Continue to drink plenty of water frequently in the next 24 hours to extend the detoxification process


  • Successful outcomes for THC drug test
  • Easy-to-follow user instructions
  • Detoxify сomes with dozens of essential nutrients


  • Considered expensive for one-day detoxification

User Testimonials

Reviews of Detoxify Mega Clean The user finds Mega Clean as a reliable detox solution for THC drug tests.

Detoxify Mega Clean Reviews

The user highlights the importance of following Mega Clean’s user instructions for desirable results.

Mega Clean User ReviewsThe user suspects his weight and diet might have compromised Mega Clean’s effectiveness.

Prices and Where to Buy

Mega Clean is the best detox drink for THC drug testing and is available in physical stores like Walmart and online stores like Amazon, Walmart, and eBay. The product is also available on Detoxify’s official website, going for $39.99 at a discount.

Toxin Rid Pills Banner

Toxin Rid Pills

  • Three-part detoxification system with pre-rid tablets, liquid detox, and dietary fiber
  • The most popular product among customers
  • 7 detox programs for ANY level of toxin exposure
See Deal →
Testclear Urine Simulation Kit with Powdered Human Urine and Heater Banner Urine Simulation Kit
(Powdered Human Urine+Heater)
  • It’s real drug-free human urine
  • For people who don’t have time for a detox
  • All you need to pass a test in one pack: real urine powder, a medical vial, a temperature strip; two air-activated heaters
  • It’s undetectable
Detoxify Mega Clean Banner Mega Clean Drink + PreCleanse Pills
  • Effective for high toxicity levels
  • Cleanses system within 3 hours! Urinary, circulatory, and digestive detox
  • Works indiscriminately on all toxins
See Deal →

Reviews of Stinger Detox the Buzz 5X Drink

Scoring criteria:

  • Price: 3.5/5
  • Packaging: 3/5
  • Speed: 3/5
  • Safety: 4/5
  • Overall: 3.7/5

Detox Drink Description

Stinger Detox is now more popular than in the past decade for its wide range of detox products and its effectiveness. While trusted products like Detoxify Mega Clean continue to receive positive reviews, let’s find out more about the Buzz 5X Drink and if detox drinks help you pass a drug test for THC:

Key Ingredients

The secret to understanding the efficacy of a detox drink is in the fine print. How is the Buzz 5X Drink formulated for instance?

The table below shows key ingredients of the detox drink and their role in eliminating toxins in a safe, natural way.

Ingredient Function
D-Ribose Retains the body’s energy levels as it activates its natural detox mechanism
L-Taurine An amino acid that facilitates natural detoxification processes in the body and enhances liver function
L-Lysine An amino acid that supports cell tissue repair and liver function
Niacin (Vitamin B3) As well as in Detoxify, in this drink it supports quick toxin flush from fatty tissues
Methylsulphonylmethane (MSM) Boosts cell membrane permeability to quicken the dilution of metabolites and their elimination

How to Use Stinger Detox the Buzz 5X

  1. Get rid of any drug or substances for as long as you can before taking the detox drink. Have at least 48 hours.
  2. Thoroughly shake the Stinger bottle before opening it
  3. Drink all the contents of the bottle in one sitting, about 2 hours before the test to allow it to work
  4. Fill the Stinger bottle with drinking water, shake it, and drink the water 15 minutes after taking the detox drink
  5. Be ready to urinate 3-4 times one hour after taking the detox drink.
  6. Avoid taking dairy products, including milk, just before, during, and after taking the Stinger detox drink. This would otherwise reduce the drink’s effectiveness.


  • Works for both light and heavy THC users, just like Detoxify Mega Clean
  • Works for emergency drug tests
  • Promotes natural and safe detoxification processes in the body


  • Passing drug tests is contingent on strict adherence to user instructions

User Testimonials

Reviews of Stinger Detox the Buzz 5X Drink The user stresses the importance of abstinence from drugs before using the Stinger detox drink.
Stinger Detox the Buzz 5X Drink Reviews The user passed the drug test after carefully observing the user’s instructions
Stinger Detox the Buzz 5X Drink User Reviews
The user suspects he failed because he needed more time away from drugs before using the Buzz 5X Drink, though many people have had better success with Detoxify Mega Clean, which is known for its reliable cleansing formula.

Price and Where to Buy

The Stinger Buzz 5X Drink is available online, in physical stores, and in chemists. On online stores, the Buzz 5X Drink is available on Amazon ($39.98), at Walmart and eBay, and on its official website ($44.95).

Reviews of Qcarbo32

Scoring criteria:

  • Price: 3/5
  • Packaging: 3/5
  • Speed: 3.5/5
  • Safety: 3.5/5
  • Overall: 3.7

Detox Drink Description

Qcarbo32 is one of the most effective detox solutions manufactured by Herbal Clean, and like the trusted Mega Clean, it delivers great results. The solution features a special formulation that facilitates natural toxin elimination from the body.

Key Ingredients

The table below shows the key ingredients in Qcarbo32 and their functions:

Ingredient Function
Milk thistle Facilitates safe elimination of toxins from the body, enhancing liver function
Fibersol Binds toxins in the digestive system, facilitating the removal of intestinal toxins
Dandelion root Has diuretic properties that enhance toxin removal
Turmeric root Contains anti-inflammatory properties and facilitates liver detox
Juniper berry Leaves a diuretic effect that enhances natural toxin removal
Psyllium seed Binds toxins and eliminates them while supporting the digestive system
Creatinine monohydrate Manages creatinine levels in urine to give it its natural appearance and properties

Qcarbo32 facilitates natural elimination from the body and the digestive tract. For even more thorough cleansing results, many people also trust Detoxify Mega Clean as an excellent alternative.

How to Use Qcarbo32

  1. Thoroughly shake the bottle and open it
  2. Drink all the contents of the bottle in one sitting, preferably 30-60 minutes
  3. Be sure to urinate frequently, as some toxins are eliminated through the urine
  4. Drink plenty of water, preferably 48 oz
  5. Hydrate and urinate frequently


  • Facilitate gut and digestive system health
  • Fast, natural, and safe toxin removal
  • Reliable detox solution for emergency drug tests


  • Is not a permanent solution for toxin cleansing. But if you need a full cleanse, it is better to try detox pills like Toxin Rid. They will help with this.

User Testimonials

Reviews of Qcarbo32 The user found Qcarbo a reliable detox solution for drug tests.

Qcarbo32 Reviews The user found taking plenty of water and peeing helpful in passing the drug test for THC.

Qcarbo32 User Reviews

Prices and Where to Buy

Qcarbo32 is available on Herbal Clean’s website at $39.36 and Amazon at $40.

Toxin Rid Pills Banner

Toxin Rid Pills

  • Three-part detoxification system with pre-rid tablets, liquid detox, and dietary fiber
  • The most popular product among customers
  • 7 detox programs for ANY level of toxin exposure
See Deal →
Testclear Urine Simulation Kit with Powdered Human Urine and Heater Banner Urine Simulation Kit
(Powdered Human Urine+Heater)
  • It’s real drug-free human urine
  • For people who don’t have time for a detox
  • All you need to pass a test in one pack: real urine powder, a medical vial, a temperature strip; two air-activated heaters
  • It’s undetectable
Detoxify Mega Clean Banner Mega Clean Drink + PreCleanse Pills
  • Effective for high toxicity levels
  • Cleanses system within 3 hours! Urinary, circulatory, and digestive detox
  • Works indiscriminately on all toxins
See Deal →

What Can Help You in the Passing Process With Detox Drinks

Using detox drinks to pass a drug test works and often gives negative results. However, a few tips may increase the chances of passing, especially for intricate screenings such as THC drug tests:

  1. Abstain from using marijuana and any other drug or substances for as long as possible before the drug test.
  2. During the detox, it’s important to take as much water as possible to aid in the elimination of toxins from your body. Take at least 48 oz of water some minutes after taking the detox drink and keep drinking it and peeing frequently
  3. Avoid dairy products one or two days before taking detox drinks. This will help retain the efficacy of the drink and give you the right results
  4. Complement detox drinks like Detoxify Mega Clean with homemade solutions such as smoothies made from ingredients like mint, ginger, lemon, grapefruit, cranberry, dandelion, and watermelon.


Do Detox Drinks Work for Weed?

Yes! The best detox drinks to pass a drug test for weed come with the right ingredients to naturally neutralize THC. However, not all detox drinks have these ingredients.

Which Detox Drink Is the Best and Why?

Without a doubt, it’s Detoxify Mega Clean. This detox drink is effective, safe, and reliable. It also has excellent customer reviews and a reasonable price. Using it is your best chance to pass a drug test successfully.

What Drinks Can Clean Your System from Weed?

The best detox drinks combine natural ingredients to safely combat THC metabolites. Such detox drinks include Mega Clean, Qcarbo, Stinger Buzz 5X Drink, Macujo Detox, etc.

How to Enhance the Detoxification Process?

You can do this by using several natural methods. In particular, you should stay hydrated and avoid both direct and second-hand weed exposure. It’s also a good idea to drink smoothies made of various products like mint, ginger, and lemon.

Are Detox Drinks Safe to Take?

Detox drinks are formulated for occasional intake rather than regular. As such, they are only taken when needed. You also want to talk to a medical officer if you easily develop allergic reactions and if pregnant.

Should I Choose a Detox Drink or Pills to Pass a Drug Test?

It’s up to you. Just remember the most important thing: detox pills can fully cleanse your system of metabolites. So if you want to undergo a full body detox, you should use Toxin Rid pills.


There you go! You now have all it takes to undertake your THC drug test. You want to maintain a healthy lifestyle and remain physically active for a faster metabolism. A healthy body will also work well with the best cleansing drinks, ensuring that your body easily takes in all the ingredients and flushes out the toxins at the desired pace.

You have a powerful headstart with Detoxify Mega Clean and a quick cleanse with Qcarbo. Take note of online reviews and what buyers think of a product before settling for it.


X-pulsion Detox Drink Review

Article Overview

In this article, we will dive into a detailed review of X-Pulsion Detox Drink, a popular choice for those looking to clear their system before a drug test. The purpose of this review is to help you understand how well this detox drink works, its key features, and what you can expect from using it. We will explore the effectiveness of X-Pulsion Detox Drink, how it compares to other products on the market, and its main ingredients. Additionally, we’ll go over how to use the product properly to ensure the best results and what customers have to say about their experiences with it.

Choosing the right detox drink is crucial for anyone needing to pass a drug test or simply wanting to detoxify their body. With drug screenings becoming more common and the need for a reliable detox method increasing, X-Pulsion Detox Drink offers a solution that promises to help remove toxins and achieve a clean result. This review will cover all aspects of the product, from its effectiveness in eliminating substances like THC, to detailed usage instructions, and the pros and cons based on customer feedback. Understanding these factors will guide you in making an informed decision about whether X-Pulsion Detox Drink is the right choice for your needs.

Persuasive Product Description

X-Pulsion Detox Drink is designed to offer a quick and effective solution for those needing to cleanse their body before a drug test. This detox drink stands out for its fast-acting formula, which helps to flush out toxins, including THC, from the body in a short amount of time. The product is particularly praised for its ease of use; you simply drink it and follow the included instructions to maximize its effectiveness. What makes X-Pulsion Detox Drink unique is its blend of natural ingredients that work together to support the body’s natural detoxification processes while maintaining a high level of convenience for the user.

The manufacturer, X-Pulsion, is well-regarded in the detox product market for producing high-quality and reliable solutions. Known for their commitment to effectiveness, X-Pulsion ensures that their products meet high standards and deliver the results users expect. This reputation for reliability is one of the reasons X-Pulsion Detox Drink is a popular choice among those preparing for drug tests.

Overall, X-Pulsion Detox Drink is a notable option for anyone looking to quickly and effectively detoxify their body. Its fast-acting formula and straightforward usage process make it an appealing choice. Coupled with X-Pulsion’s strong reputation for quality, this detox drink is worth considering for those who need to clear their system and pass drug tests.

List of Ingredients

X-Pulsion Detox Drink contains a blend of ingredients carefully selected to support effective detoxification. Here’s a breakdown of its key ingredients and their roles:

  1. Activated Charcoal: This ingredient is known for its powerful toxin-absorbing properties. It helps to trap and remove harmful substances from the body, making it a crucial part of the detox process. Activated charcoal binds to toxins in the digestive system, preventing their absorption into the bloodstream.
  2. Milk Thistle: Milk thistle is included for its liver-supporting benefits. It helps to promote liver function, which is essential for breaking down and removing toxins from the body. By supporting the liver, milk thistle enhances the overall detoxification process.
  3. Dandelion Root: Dandelion root is a natural diuretic, meaning it helps increase urine production. This aids in flushing out impurities and excess toxins through the urinary system. It also supports kidney function, which is crucial for effective detoxification.
  4. Cranberry Extract: Known for its ability to maintain hydration and support urinary health, cranberry extract helps balance fluid levels in the body. Proper hydration is important during detox, as it ensures that toxins are efficiently expelled from the system.
  5. Nettle Leaf Extract: This ingredient promotes the body’s natural detox processes. Nettle leaf has been shown to help with detoxifying the body by supporting metabolic functions and reducing inflammation, which aids in the overall effectiveness of the detox drink.

Together, these ingredients work to help the body eliminate toxins and support a clean, healthy system. X-Pulsion Detox Drink combines these components to offer a comprehensive approach to detoxification.

How to Use the Product

Using X-Pulsion Detox Drink is straightforward and designed to help you get the best results in detoxifying your body. Here’s how to use it effectively:

  1. Preparation: Start by ensuring you have a clean and healthy system. For the best results, avoid consuming any toxins or heavy foods for at least 24 hours before using the detox drink. This helps your body be more receptive to the detox process.
  2. Dosage and Instructions:
    • Step 1: Shake the bottle of X-Pulsion Detox Drink well before use to ensure all ingredients are properly mixed.
    • Step 2: Drink the entire bottle in one sitting. It’s best to do this on an empty stomach or at least 30 minutes after a light meal.
    • Step 3: After drinking the detox solution, wait for about 15 to 30 minutes to allow it to take effect.
  3. Follow-Up:
    • Step 4: To maximize the effectiveness, drink plenty of water throughout the day. This helps to flush out toxins more effectively and keeps you hydrated.
    • Step 5: Urinate frequently after drinking the detox beverage to help expel the toxins from your body.

Tips for Best Results:

  • Stay Hydrated: Drink lots of water before and after taking the detox drink. Proper hydration is crucial for the detox process.
  • Avoid Toxins: Try to avoid any additional toxins, like alcohol, nicotine, or drugs, as these can interfere with the detox process.
  • Follow Instructions: Carefully follow the product instructions for timing and dosage. This ensures that the detox drink works as intended.

By following these steps and tips, you can increase your chances of successfully cleansing your body and achieving a clean test result.


Pros and Cons Based on Customer Feedback

When it comes to X-Pulsion Detox Drink, customer feedback highlights both its benefits and some potential drawbacks.

Pros:One of the main advantages of X-Pulsion Detox Drink is its effectiveness. Many users have reported that it successfully helps them pass drug tests, particularly when used as directed. The drink is praised for its ease of use; simply drinking the beverage and following a few steps makes the process straightforward. Additionally, users appreciate the quick results it provides. Many have noted that they experienced noticeable effects within a short period after drinking it. Positive reviews often highlight that it works well for both occasional and regular users, making it a versatile choice for various detox needs.

Cons:Despite its benefits, there are some drawbacks to consider. The cost of X-Pulsion Detox Drink can be relatively high compared to other detox products on the market, which might be a concern for some users. Additionally, there are potential side effects, such as minor stomach discomfort or nausea, reported by a few users. Timing is also crucial; the product needs to be used precisely as directed, and missing this timing can reduce its effectiveness. Some customers have also mentioned that the taste of the drink is not very pleasant, which can be a downside for those sensitive to taste or who find it hard to consume.

In summary, while X-Pulsion Detox Drink is effective and easy to use, it comes with some cost and taste-related issues. Balancing these pros and cons can help users decide if it’s the right choice for their detox needs.

Q&A Section

If you’re considering using X-Pulsion Detox Drink, you might have some questions about its safety, effectiveness, and use. Here’s a quick Q&A to help you understand more about the product.

Is X-Pulsion Detox Drink safe to use?Yes, X-Pulsion Detox Drink is generally safe when used as directed. It contains natural ingredients designed to help your body flush out toxins. However, some users might experience mild side effects, such as stomach discomfort or nausea. It’s important to follow the instructions carefully to minimize any risks.

How quickly does X-Pulsion Detox Drink work?The drink is known for its fast-acting formula. Most users report feeling the effects within an hour of consumption. This quick action is crucial for those who need to pass a drug test on short notice. To get the best results, make sure to drink it at the right time as per the instructions.

Can X-Pulsion Detox Drink be used for all types of drug tests?X-Pulsion Detox Drink is primarily designed to help with urine drug tests, and many users find it effective for this purpose. It may not be as effective for blood or saliva tests. For these types of tests, other methods or products might be necessary.

What should I do if I miss a dose?If you miss taking X-Pulsion Detox Drink or delay its use, it’s best to follow the instructions for a retake if possible. Drinking plenty of water and avoiding toxins can also help. If you’re unsure about what to do, check the product’s guidelines or consult customer support for advice.

This Q&A should give you a clearer idea of how to use X-Pulsion Detox Drink effectively and safely.

Short Summing Up

​In summary, X-Pulsion Detox Drink is designed to help users clear toxins from their bodies quickly and effectively. The drink is known for its fast-acting formula, which can help individuals prepare for drug tests by eliminating harmful substances. Key features include its ease of use and quick results, making it a popular choice for those facing sudden drug tests or seeking a reliable detox solution.X-Pulsion Detox Drink works best when used as directed, which includes drinking the product at the right time and following the preparation tips provided. It is primarily aimed at clearing toxins from urine, and many users find it effective for this purpose. However, it may not be as effective for other types of drug tests, such as blood or saliva tests.Overall, X-Pulsion Detox Drink is a worthwhile purchase for those who need a fast and effective detox solution. If you’re preparing for a drug test or looking for a reliable way to cleanse your body of toxins, this drink could be a good option. Just be sure to follow the instructions carefully and consider any personal needs or circumstances, such as the type of drug test you’re facing and your body’s specific requirements.