Drug Testing

How Long Does Weed Stay in Your System?

Cannabis, also known as marijuana, weed, or pot, is the most popular illicit drug, followed by opiates worldwide. As it is illegal in many countries, people who are planning a drug test often wonder to find the answer to ‘How long does weed stay in your system?’

Whether it’s a casual puff or habitual smoking, drug tests for cannabis always look for THC and its metabolites. In regular cannabis users, THC builds up in their bodies and can be detected by a drug test for days, weeks, or even months.

If you’re seeking practical and reliable advice on cannabis detection windows, stay connected—you’re at the right place.

How is THC Processed in the Human Body?

To better understand the processing of THC or to answer how long THC stays in the system, it’s important to know the drug metabolism. It is the complete process of synthesis and conversion of one chemical to another. The metabolism of tetrahydrocannabinol depends on each route of consumption, e.g., by smoke or edibles.

After inhalation from the bloodstream, THC reaches its ultimate destination—the liver. There it is finally metabolized into THC-COOH glucuronide that is eliminated from the body. According to research on the clinical implications of cannabis, its excretion in feces is above 65%, whereas 20% is estimated via urine. In people who use cannabis more often, the stored THC metabolites are released back into the bloodstream. As a result, the cannabis buildup rate in fat tissues dominates the rate of elimination.

How Long Does THC Stay in the System?

On a scientific basis, several factors determine how long weed stays in your body and appears in a drug test. Here are some notable ones:

  • Rate of metabolism and individual differences: Marijuana is metabolized from the body by normal metabolism. So, a higher metabolism for a person indicates quicker elimination of marijuana than an individual with a decreased rate of metabolism. Likewise, other factors such as a person’s age, sex, body mass index (BMI), and genetics also affect how long does weed stay in your system after a couple of puffs.
  • Body fat and hydration levels: Body fats also impact the detection window for cannabis. As a result of high-fat solubility, THC gets absorbed and remains in the system for a longer duration. For that reason, fatty people may indicate a slower rate of cannabis metabolism than skinny ones. On the other hand, little scientific literature supports the effect of hydration on drug detection. But dehydration may increase the THC levels in the system.
  • Frequency and amount of usage: The effects of THC aggregate for an individual who smokes several times for several days are more likely test results will be positive than in the case with someone who smokes once.

How Long Does Weed Stay in Your Body By User Type

Research into the average time it takes for marijuana to get out of your system presents different averages. A study published in Mayo Clinic Proceedings suggests three days for a single cannabis use and points out the variations in the detection window depending upon user type. Different user types and detection times are discussed below:

  • First-time Users: For someone smoking cannabis for the first time, drug test may be detectable for 3 days
  • Occasional Users: Individuals who smoke cannabis 3-4 times per week may detect it in their systems for 5-7 days.
  • Regular Users: For someone who smokes cannabis daily or a regular user, the detection window is 10-15 days
  • Heavy Users: For heavy users who smoke several times a day, detection windows for drug tests are more than 30 days.

How Long Does It Take for Marijuana to Get Out of Your System By Testing Method?

Different drug tests are commonly used for the detection of THC in the human system. Here’s the breakdown of the main types of drug tests, including their specimen collection and detection windows:

How Long Does THC Stay in Saliva Glands?

The saliva test is an effective way of determining recent cannabis use, offering quick results in just twenty to thirty minutes. A simple mouth swab can detect if someone has used cannabis during the last three to twenty-four hours. This test is typically employed in roadside testing for the determination of suspected driving by law enforcement or for workplace testing by corporations with safety concerns.

Saliva tests usually detect THC for 1-3 days after last use.

How Long Does Weed Stay in Urine?

Urine tests are the most common detection method. They are widely recommended for pre-employment screening for marijuana use. Urine tests are also mandatory for Department of Transportation (DOT) testing for certain types of transportation employees by-law regulations and probation and probation testing used by legal authorities.

The sample for a urine test is collected in a controlled environment, where the pH and temperature of the urine sample are measured before lab submission. How frequently a person uses the drug influences how long weed stays in urine. The estimated detection window for urine tests for different types of users is given below:

User Type

Detection Window
Occasional users

Up to 5-7 days after last use

Regular users

Up to 10-15 days after last use
Heavy Users

Up to 30 days after last use

How Long Does Weed Stay in Hair Follicle?

As THC travels to hair follicles by way of the bloodstream, a hair test is a reliable method for the detection of marijuana for up to 3 months. Hair tests are a necessary step for monitoring long-term substance abuse or for high-level security checks.

To identify any embedded cannabis metabolites, samples are directly taken from the scalp. The length of the hair sample determines how long the weed stays in the hair follicle. Each 1 cm of hair follicle offers a detection window for that specific period; for example, 3 cm of hair can provide a detection window for about 3 months.

How Long Does It Take for Weed to Get Out of Your System By Consumption Methods?

As we know, marijuana can be consumed by different methods like smoking, vaping, edibles, tincture oils, and others. Each method of consumption differently affects the detection window. Here is a detailed analysis of different consumption methods:


Smoking is considered the most famous and enjoyable method of consumption, which gives a sensational feeling to all. However, despite its wide popularity, smoking has numerous negative effects on the health of a person.

After being smoked, the metabolites of THC rapidly enter the bloodstream via the respiratory tract. It induces different psychological and euphoric effects that last for about two to three hours. With frequent smoking, THC gets piled up in fatty cells, resulting in traces of THC remaining detectable in urine, blood, and saliva for weeks and even for months.


In vapes, cannabis edibles are converted into vapors by heating them at low temperatures. Vaping is considered a controlled method for inhalation and according to studies, its effects are different when compared to smoking.

Vaping THC causes its quick absorption in the bloodstream by the lungs and THC can be shown up for several days and weeks in a drug test. However, determining how long does THC stay in system from the weed pen depends upon the THC dose in vape, frequency of drug use, and individual metabolism.

Edibles and Other Methods

In contrast to smoking and vaping, edibles are made by cooking food with extracts or oils of cannabis. Edibles are a bit safer than smoke or vapors. It can take about two hours for edibles to show their effects. People might think that they’re not working and can take more concentration which might be dangerous.

Other methods, like THC tinctures, provide more immediate absorption than other methods. The effects appear after fifteen to thirty minutes after placing them sublingual and last for up to three to six hours. In contrast, the sublingual drops present immediate effects after transmitting their active ingredients into the bloodstream through the oral lining. Moderate absorption rates are similar to edibles.

Drug Tests: Myths And Misconceptions

When it comes to passing a drug test, a lot of misinformation exists that actually doesn’t work. Here, we’ll clear up some common myths regarding passing a drug test:

  • Drinking Lots of Water Will Flush Out THC Quickly: Good hydration is beneficial for overall health, but drinking a lot of water doesn’t eliminate THC from your body.
  • Exercise Right Before the Drug Test Is Beneficial: Exercise may actually release THC from fat cells into the bloodstream, and this process is slow whether you exercise or not.
  • Detox Diets Are Guaranteed: Many people believe that detox diets can promote THC detoxification. The fact is that the body’s natural detoxification process is complex and can’t be changed by only diet, but it can improve overall health.

How to Pass Each Type of Drug Test?

Almost every laboratory has standard methodologies and facilities for the detection of recent drug use. Here, we explore some effective strategies for passing urine, saliva, and hair tests:

Urine Tests

Urine tests are the most effective method for the detection of marijuana in the human system. Some of the effective methods to increase chances of passing are discussed below:

  • Detox Pills: Toxin Rid pills are an example of detox pills that contain only natural supplements like minerals, herbs, and vitamins. They help to eliminate THC from the body. To get better results, cannabis users must show commitment to use such pills for up to 10 days.
  • Detox Drinks: Detox drinks such as Detoxify Mega Clean are effective for the reduction of higher toxicity levels and work for all types of drug toxins without any discrimination.
  • Synthetic Urine: Urine Simulation with Powdered Urine Kit is based on synthetic urine, which is a drug-free product and mimics natural urine.
  • Certo Method: Certo is also known as Certo Drug Detox or Certo Gatorade Method. In this technique, fruit pectin is used as a primary ingredient to bypass a drug test.

Saliva Tests

For passing the saliva tests, consider the following methods:

  • Specialized Mouthwashes: Products like Toxin Rid Rescue Wash are a secret tool for passing an oral drug test. It is scientifically formulated to mask detectable drug toxins when used just before the test.
  • Sour Candies Or Gums: Sour candies can change the pH of saliva, make it more acidic and sugary, and make THC detection difficult for a test.

Hair Tests

For hair tests, the following methods are recommended:

  • Specialized Shampoos: Specialized shampoos, for instance, Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid, promote toxin elimination from hair shafts and help a person pass the hair test. For best results, one should start using the specialized shampoo ten days before the drug test.
  • Hair-Damaging Methods: Hair-damaging methods like bleaching, dyeing, and perming are, in some cases, useful for the reduction of THC from hair. Methods like the Macujo method open the cuticles and permit the specialized shampoo to eliminate the toxins from the hair follicles. On the other hand, after applying the Jerry J method, the hair strands get so damaged that THC traces can’t be detected.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How Long Does Marijuana Stay in Your System After One Smoke Session?

One smoke session can be detectable in urine for up to 3 days, in saliva for up to 24 hours, up to 3 hours in blood, and up to 30 days in hair follicles.

Are Homemade Remedies Effective for THC Detoxification?

Home remedies help to improve the natural detox process as well as promote liver function and hydration levels. However, no scientific data support their use alone for the elimination of THC from the body.

Are Detox Pills Helpful in Elimination of THC from the Body?

Detox pills are effective in cleaning the body of drug toxins. It is important to avoid THC and heavy exercise while taking detox pills.

How Long Does Delta 8 Stay in Your System Compared to Regular THC?

Delta-8 THC is similar in chemical composition and metabolism to delta-9 THC (the primary component of cannabis). Both share the same detection windows, such as 1-3 days for light users and up to 30 days for heavy users. However, the exact retention time certainly depends on a person’s metabolism, usage frequency, and route of consumption.

Does Exercise Help in Detoxification of THC From the System?

Regular exercise can accelerate the natural detoxification process. However, exercising before drug tests (such as blood tests) may actually release THC back into the bloodstream due to the burning of fats.


Determining marijuana detection windows is still open to debate and associated with several important factors. The detection window for weed depends on usage frequency, metabolism rate, body fat percentage, and most importantly, route of consumption.

The detection window for THC drug tests spans from a few days to several days and even months. Before opting for the ‘quick fix’ solutions, one should search for practical approaches. The findings in this article will help people better understand how long weed stays in the system. For those preparing for a drug test or who want to choose a weed detox product, however, we recommend consulting a healthcare professional for better guidance.