
THC Detox Guide – How to Clean Your Body From Weed? 

Relief. That is what many people with chronic illnesses and terminal diagnoses felt when some states legalized the use of medical cannabis. Unfortunately, the abuse of weed is still a huge problem. The reason is that many smokers use cannabis (THC) not for medical purposes but to feel high. That is why the questions about THC detox to pass a drug test or to beat the marijuana addiction are very much on time.

Scientific research and statistics also show concern about this rising problem. According to the report posted by PubMed Central, about 300,000 U.S. citizens annually start marijuana detox therapy. And this number keeps growing. The same study shows the sad dynamics during the previous decade. About 15% of individuals in the USA reported occasional or regular weed use in 2021. These numbers were twice as small in 2012 – only 7%. What can you do to avoid being a part of these statistics?

Our following detox guide will highlight the answers to this serious question. We will show you that there are safe and reliable ways to overcome the THC intoxication. Your motives for learning about the weed detox can be different – maybe you want to drop using weed or just avoid the consequences at work or court. It doesn’t matter. Just do it and we will show you how.

how to get weed out of your system

How Does Marijuana Affect Your Body?

THC Effects

Before telling you about the effects of marijuana, we can’t skip the elephant in the room – THC. It is short for tetrahydrocannabinol – the main component of marijuana that makes it a drug. When THC goes inside your body it eventually interacts with the endocannabinoid system that bides CB1 receptors in your brain. To make it simpler, THC and cannabinoids affect the increased dopamine release. That is why healthy people start to feel “happier” and ill people get short pain relief.

If you use weed only for medical purposes strictly on schedule then the side effects from THC are minimal.

Side Effects from THC

But if you abuse the weed use and take it for a long term prepare for such side effects as (proved by this report posted at PubMed portal):

  • Impaired cognitive functions – memory, attention, and coordination can get worse;
  • Increase heart rate;
  • Bloodshot eyes;
  • Mental health issues;

Ways of Consuming THC and Detection Windows

Smoking weed through the rolled joints or pipes is an unbeatable “classic” when you think about marijuana use. But besides this traditional method, there are many other ways to consume cannabis. There are edibles like cookies or cakes with weed seeds or leaves. Also, it is possible to vaporize and inhale the smoke. The method of use affects how long you will feel “high”. Additionally, it impacts the detection time (window) when passing a drug test.

The detection window is different if you smoke, eat, or inhale/vaporize weed. When you smoke from a joint or pipe, THC goes straight to the lungs and acts faster. When you eat weed-contained products, THC starts to act slower because it needs time to go through the digestive system and go to the bloodstream. Vaporizing is the safest way because it reduces the THC combustion and bypass products but it also goes straight to the lungs.

To know how to get THC out of your system you have to understand that a few factors affect the detection window during a drug test:

  • Your metabolism;
  • Body fat – the more body fat you have, the slower the THC detox is because it stays in fat cells;
  • Consumption method;
  • Frequency of use;
  • The use of certain prescribed medications for chronic disorders;
  • The drug test type – labs can detect the THC metabolites in your samples of hair, saliva, blood and urine;
  • Methods of detoxes – commercial supplements or natural remedies;

So many factors matter! For example, this comparison table shows how to frequency of marijuana use and the type of drug test impact on the detection window of cannabis metabolites from your sample in a lab.

Frequency of Use Urine Test Saliva Test Blood Test
First-time users 1-3 days 1-3 hours 1-2 days
Occasional users 3-7 days 1-3 days 2-7 days
Regular users 7-30 days 1-3 days 7-14 days
Heavy users 30 days 1-3 days 14-30 days

Now you are aware of how long does it take to get weed out of your system or at least to become untraceable. We didn’t include the hair follicle test because it detects the THC residue up to 90 days in any case. However, since the hair tests are expensive and the samples are easy to contaminate, most U.S. labs do not use these tests for employment screening or legal procedures.

The Cases When You Need to Go Through Weed Detox

Even if you don’t use marijuana often, there are cases when you quickly need to find out how to get weed out of your system.

The most common situation is the requirement at your workplace. Many U.S. companies have a strict anti-drug policy, including even the occasional use of marijuana unless a doctor prescribes it. Employees have to go through the regular drug checkups. Also, job candidates have to do the so-called pre-employment screenings before getting hired.

Another common case when you need to provide samples for drug tests is the legal requirement for becoming a guardian. Potential guardians need to demonstrate their intention to have a drug-free lifestyle for the safety of elderly people or little kids.

One more place where all the participants should do regular drug checkups is athletic competitions. Athletes have to warn about every medication, supplement, or herbal remedy they use because these substances can be considered doping.

Also, we can’t forget the legal cases such as probation conditions or custody battles. To avoid paying fines or criminal charges you need to learn how to get weed out of your system. Your life literally may depend on this knowledge.

As you can see, in many cases THC detox can be essential for meeting professional or legal requirements. Choose effective THC detox programs or reliable THC detox kits to save yourself from any unnecessary anxiety or serious troubles.

How to Choose the Best Way to Detox from Weed?

The right choice of a THC detox method impacts the term of how long does it take for weed to be cleared from the body. Some detox products work faster, some need time to act in your body and cleanse it. The following factors will help to choose the best detox drinks, pills, shampoos, or kits for passing a drug test. Also, we recommend to consult a doctor before using any new supplement or over-the-counter medication.

Drug Test Type

Try to find out what kind of drug test you need to pass. As we have already said above, some tests can reveal cannabis leftovers even after a month of smoking or eating cannabis. Some detox products are good only for passing certain drug tests. Shampoos will help to beat the hair test while synthetic urine kits are great for passing a urine drug test.

Time to Work

Keep in mind that most detox drinks for weed can flush out the THC metabolites much faster than THC detox pills. If you are on a timer, skip the products that need days to affect like detox pills or shampoos.

Your Weight

The Body Mass Index (BMI) matters because THC is stored in fat cells. If you are overweight than your standard BMI then prepare that the THC detox approach may take longer than for slimmer people.

Frequency of Weed Use

We’ve already mentioned this factor when we were talking about the detection windows. THC detox methods and products vary for occasional, moderate, regular, and heavy users.

Brand Reputation

Commercial products should be made by reputable brands like Detoxify or TestClear (Toxin Rid). Check the brand’s background and positive customer feedback.


Good brands will never hide the formula’s compounds of their products. Because you need to know that the ingredients are safe and won’t cause an allergic shock or severe intolerance.

Understandable Directions for Use

Simple use and detailed instructions are great for a successful THC detox. Do not be afraid to ask questions if the brand has a live customer support service.


It is wonderful when the commercial detox product is sold for under $ 50. But keep in mind that well-known brand will sell their products for $ 100 per kit or bottle. Also, you may need to buy a few kits or packages to learn how to detox before the actual drug test day.

Also, we recommend double-checking the origins and certificates of a detox product you take for the first time. Your health should always be a priority!

THC Detox Products

The market of commercial THX detox products offers many different solutions and detox plans in various forms. Let’s take a look at some popular products.

Detox Drinks

It is hard to find the best detox drink to pass drug test but much easier to say the most popular one. Detoxify Mega Clean tops the list. This is a quick-acting solution that helps to boost urination and the natural detox process. It helps to reduce the toxin levels of THC. But only for a limited time period. You need to drink the whole bottle 2 hours before the test and then drink water every 10-15 minutes. Make sure your frequent bathroom walks won’t cause suspicion.

Detox Pills

Unlike any best THC detox drink, Toxin Rid pills won’t just cover the THC metabolites for the short term. Instead, they help to detoxify the body completely. That is why these pills with an effective detoxification program may take up to 10 days to prepare your body for blood and urine tests. It is a safe and reliable option based on all-natural components.

Detox Mouthwash

TestClear Toxin Rid Rescue Wash is a good last-minute solution before passing a saliva drug test. This all-natural mouthwash quickly neutralizes THC metabolites in the user’s saliva. You should do it for a temporary cleanse that lasts from 30 to 60 minutes. Use it right before the test.

Detox Shampoos

But if you want to pass a hair drug test any THC detox pills, mouthwashes or drinks won’t help you. You need to use the special detox shampoos. There are at least 2 good detox shampoos you may try:

  • Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid Shampoo. Its innovative formula is good for the deep cleaning of your hair follicles so you can pass the hair drug tests without getting caught. Remember that you need to use this shampoo during several before the test;
  • Zydot Ultra Clean. It is another great solution for the deep cleansing of the hair strands. Use it together with the Toxin Rid shampoo. It is a good choice for the one-time use;

Check the comparison table between these 2 products. Honestly, it is better to use them together to get the maximum detox effect.

Feature Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid Zydot Ultra Clean
Effectiveness High Moderate, good for support
Duration of use Many washes over the days One-time use

These are some of the greatest THC detox products nowadays. But remember that in some states it can be problematic to buy them at local drugstores. However, you can always order most of these products online with discounts on the official website of the corresponding brand.

Home Remedies to Clean Your System of Weed in 24 Hours

Suppose, you only have 24 hours before passing a drug test. And you don’t have any brand detox products nearby. What to do? Try a few home remedies that may allegedly help you detox from marijuana faster. We’ve gathered the most common methods, according to the drug test type they may help to pass. As usual, we remind you that self-treatment can involve certain health risks.

Certo Sure Jell + Gatorade – Urine Drug Test

Some weed users claim that mixing Certo (a.k.a. fruit pectin) with Gatorade can help to flush out THC from the body faster than just drinking water. Certo binds THC and helps to remove it through frequent urination.

Pizza + Hydrogen Peroxide – Saliva Test

To cover the traces of THC in your saliva, you may try eating fat pizza and swish the mouth (no swallowing!) with hydrogen peroxide. However, this method is quite risky to use if you are in a hurry.

Macujo Method – Hair Test

This method is quite radical but very effective. You can mix the detox shampoo, vinegar, and detergent to wash your hair thoroughly. This smelly and toxic mixture can do the deep cleansing of your hair strands from THC metabolites.

Jerry J Method – Hair Test

It is very similar to the Macujo method. You need to use the special detox shampoos and apple cider vinegar to clean your hair. Be careful and protect your skin and eyes while using this method.

Non-Effective or Dangerous Home Remedies

  • Baking soda – never inhale or ingest the raw baking soda straight from the pack. It can be very dangerous;
  • Aspirin’s effectiveness as a masking agent for urine tests was not proven. Check this scientific report to make sure of it. Also, taking too much aspirin is potentially bad for your health;
  • Niacin or Vitamin B3 is a common component in many detox drinks. But the excessive dose of this ingredient can cause severe flushing and general discomfort;

No matter what you think is the best way to detox your body in 24 hours at home, always do not go too radical like using the life-threatening bleach or vinegar taken inside! The safety of your health is more important than anything else. Smoking weed is not a crime in most states and sometimes it is better to confess than risk your health.

Natural THC Detox – What Works and What Doesn’t Work?

If you have a few weeks before the regular drug test and want to detox naturally, it can be one of the safest ways. You can follow a few natural weed detox methods with positive feedback from regular weed smokers.

Fruit Pectin

Food products like Certo include a component called fruit pectin. Pectin supposedly can bind the THC in the digestive system and cover the metabolites’ traces in the urine. Some occasional users mix fruit pectin with sugary beverages may boost the effectiveness of natural detox a few days before the test.

Regular Exercise

If you exercise regularly, your body will start to sweat and boost the metabolism mechanisms. Also, exercises help to burn the fat tissues where THC metabolites are stored. We recommend activities like cycling or running that also help to strengthen the cardiovascular system.

Sauna Therapy

Besides regular exercises, the sauna can cause excessive sweating to flush the toxins, including the THC byproducts. Also, the heat may regulate the blood circulation. However, sauna sessions should be approved by a doctor before you start doing it.

Eat the Diet with Fiber

Change your diet or increase the daily meals with fruits, veggies, and whole grains. They help to flush out the toxins like THC naturally.

Drink Water

You need to stay hydrated to flush out the THC metabolites faster. Add to your daily diet natural THC detox drinks like herbal teas and coffee. But keep in mind that urination will be very increased.

Side Effects of THC Detox

Home remedies for marijuana detox can be dangerous because you typically rely on unverified methods. But they may still work for occasional weed users. The other problem is the cannabis withdrawal symptoms from THC detox.

No matter if you detox naturally or with the help of different remedies, prepare for some unpleasant effects of marijuana withdrawal. THC detox causes sudden changes in brain chemistry and functions even in a healthy body. Especially, if you use weed regularly, the detox processes can be palpable.

Luckily, the most common withdrawal symptoms of THC detox are not dangerous and more unpleasant:

  • Insomnia and fatigue;
  • Irritability and anxiety;
  • Decreased appetite;
  • Mood swings;
  • Headaches;
  • Sweating and cold chills;
  • Cravings for weed in stressful situations;

You can reduce the risk of these negative side effects. The best way is to use trustworthy methods and gradually detox from the weed. Also, regular light exercises and relaxation techniques can help to cope with stress and insomnia.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Are the Most Common Symptoms of THC Detox?

Nausea, sweating, anxiety, poor sleep patterns and irritability. These side effects are the common signs of THC detox withdrawal.

How Long Does THC Stay in the Body?

According to some research, THC may remain in a body for 3 months even after a single use. But the detection in blood is possible only during 2 weeks. The most common in the U.S. urine drug tests can detect THC metabolites during 1 month but only for heavy weed smokers.

Are THC Detox Drinks Effective?

Yes, certified products like Detoxify Mega Clean are very effective.

Can I Pass a Drug Test After Smoking Weed Once?

Yes, you can but you need to act quickly, especially if the test is sooner than a week after the weed use. Use detox drinks or pills to cleanse your body faster.

Can Secondhand Smoke Cause a Failed Hair Drug Test?

Yes, it can. That is why hair drug tests are not popular since the hair may be contaminated. In other cases (urine and blood tests), the THC concentration in the bloodstream or pee from secondhand smoke is too low to detect.


THC detox is a very complex and sensitive process that you should take seriously. You just can’t rely on a lucky coincidence, especially if you need to be clean from marijuana on the day of drug testing in your company or in a court. Hopefully, our guide helped to figure out how to detox from weed safely with the help of commercial solutions, detox program options, and natural remedies. Stay healthy!