CSHP Will Be Back By the Sea!!
With a great agenda focused on Coordinated School Health and Personal Wellness on campus at UNC-W!
Make plans NOW to join us participation will be limited to 250 people! Bring your team representing the eight areas of a Coordinated School Health Program and hear national speakers as well as presenters from all parts of North Carolina. In addition to keynote and breakout sessions, CSHP By The Sea will feature opportunities for you to experience best practices sessions, improve your own personal wellness, and participate in a variety of activities! School Health Advisory Councils will have the opportunity to apply for possible funding as well as submit the Healthy Active Children Progress Report.
For more information contact:
Anne Marie Jenks
Physical Activity, Nutrition, and Tobacco Consultant
NC Healthy Schools
(919) 807-3909 / [email protected]
Certificates of attendance for 24 contact hours (2.4 CEUs) may be earned.
JULY 10-13, 2006
Begins on Monday, July 10 at 1:00 p.m.
Ends on Thursday, July 13 at 12:00 noon
$250 total cost per person for early registration by June 1, 2006 (double occupancy)*
$300 total cost per person for late registration after June 1, 2006 (double occupancy)*
* Single occupancy rooms require an additional $100 surcharge.
ONE FEE, per participant, includes all sessions, lodging in UNC-W dorms, souvenirs, breaks, breakfast and lunch each day, and Monday nights dinner.
(pdf, 33kb)
Registration Form
(pdf, 63kb)