
Ashe Wanda Elliott Appalachian District Health Dept

School Nursing Contacts by County Listed Under Y
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Yadkin County
School Health: Rachel Pich?
(704) 663-1699 ext. 269

Child Health: Cheryl Lowe
(336) 771-4608

Immunization: Ron Sapp
(336) 222-8246

Nutrition: Julie Hurt
(704) 663-1699

Exceptional Children: Glenda Adams
(336) 667-2191

Yancey County
School Health: Sue Lever
(828) 645-1426

Child Health: Helen Farrell
(828) 236-9661

Immunization: Gina Holland
(828) 652-8939

Nutrition: Regina Asriel
(828) 654-9930

Exceptional Children: Carol Arnold
(828) 227-2085

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Ashe& Wanda Elliott Appalachian District Health Dept

School Nursing Contacts by County Listed Under B
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Beaufort County

School Health: Martha Guttu
(252) 946-6481 ext. 290

Child Health: Barbara Lanford
(252) 946-6481, ext. 291

Immunization: Walter Council
(252) 413-0587

Nutrition: Kathy Griffin
(252) 946-6481, ext. 373

Exceptional Children: Kathi Wilhite
(252) 328-1519

Bertie County
School Health: Martha Guttu
(252) 946-6481 ext. 290

Child Health: Barbara Lanford
(252) 946-6481, ext. 291

Immunization: Walter Council
(252) 413-0587

Nutrition: Kathy Griffin
(252) 946-6481, ext. 373

Exceptional Children: Kathi Wilhite
(252) 328-1519

Blanden County
School Health: Ruth Storms
(910) 643-9172

Child Health: Betty Cox
(910) 486-1191

Immunization: Elaine Thomas
(910) 486-3398

Nutrition: Sue Williams
(910) 486-1703

Exceptional Children: Linda West
(910) 486-1624

Brunswick County
School Health: Ruth Storms
(910) 643-9172

Child Health: Betty Cox
(910) 486-1191

Immunization: Elaine Thomas
(910) 486-3398

Nutrition: Janet Bryan
(252) 946-6481, ext. 326

Exceptional Children: Linda West
(910) 486-1624

Buncome County
School Health: Sue Lever
(828) 645-1426

Child Health: Helen Farrell
(828) 236-9661

Immunization: Gina Holland
(828) 652-8939

Nutrition: Martha Boyette
(828) 645-2069

Exceptional Children: Carol Arnold
(828) 227-2085

Burke County
School Health: Sue Lever
(828) 645-1426

Child Health: Carolyn Moser
(828) 680-9782

Immunization: Charles Philbeck
(704) 480-5439

Nutrition: Regina Asriel
(828) 654-9930

Exceptional Children: Glenda Adams
(336) 667-2191

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Ashe Wanda Elliott Appalachian District Health Dept

School Nursing Contacts by County Listed Under P
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Pamlico County
School Health: Martha Guttu
(252) 946-6481 ext. 290

Child Health: Barbara Lanford
(252) 946-6481, ext. 291

Immunization: Walter Council
(252) 413-0587

Nutrition: Kathy Griffin
(252) 946-6481, ext. 373

Exceptional Children: Linda West
(910) 486-1624

Pasquotank County
School Health: Martha Guttu
(252) 946-6481 ext. 290

Child Health: Barbara Lanford
(252) 946-6481, ext. 291

Immunization: Walter Council
(252) 413-0587

Nutrition: Kathy Griffin
(252) 946-6481, ext. 373

Exceptional Children: Kathi Wilhite
(252) 328-1519

Pender County
School Health: Ruth Storms
(910) 643-9172

Child Health: Betty Cox
(910) 486-1191

Immunization: Elaine Thomas
(910) 486-3398

Nutrition: Janet Bryan
(252) 946-6481, ext. 326

Exceptional Children: Linda West
(910) 486-1624

Perquimans County
School Health: Martha Guttu
(252) 946-6481 ext. 290

Child Health: Barbara Lanford
(252) 946-6481, ext. 291

Immunization: Walter Council
(252) 413-0587

Nutrition: Kathy Griffin
(252) 946-6481, ext. 373

Exceptional Children: Kathi Wilhite
(252) 328-1519

Person County
School Health: Dale Floyd
(919) 733-3497

Child Health: Jackie Harrell
(919) 571-4700

Immunization: Ron Sapp
(336) 222-8246

Nutrition: Annette Furr
(919) 571-4700

Exceptional Children: Melinda Chambers
(919) 530-6353

Pitt County
School Health: Martha Guttu
(252) 946-6481 ext. 290

Child Health: Barbara Lanford
(252) 946-6481, ext. 291

Immunization: Walter Council
(252) 413-0587

Nutrition: Kathy Griffin
(252) 946-6481, ext. 373

Exceptional Children: Kathi Wilhite
(252) 328-1519

Polk County
School Health: Sue Lever
(828) 645-1426

Child Health: Carolyn Moser
(828) 680-9782

Immunization: Charles Philbeck
(704) 480-5439

Nutrition: Regina Asriel
(828) 654-9930

Exceptional Children: Carol Arnold
(828) 227-2085

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2004 Healthy Schools Leadership Assembly-  October 14, 2004


New! Energizers
Classroom Based Physical Activities!
The way teachers integrate physical activity with academic concepts.
Check out these short, about 10-minute, activities
that classroom teachers can use to provide activity to children.

Helping the Student with Diabetes Succeed: A Guide for School Personnel
The US Department of Health and Human Services’ National Diabetes Education Program has developed a guide for schools to help address the needs of all students with diabetes; Helping the Student with Diabetes Succeed: A Guide for School Personnel. This new guide offers school administrators, health service providers, and teachers a comprehensive resource that provides basic information about diabetes, lays out a team approach to diabetes management, and reviews the federal laws pertaining to schools’ responsibilities to educate students with diabetes.

New: N.C. Recommended Standards for All Foods in Schools
School Assessments (Healthy Active Children Policy)

CDC’s School Health Index – for Assessment and Planning

NC Manual: Effective School Health Advisory Councils

CDC Guidelines for School Health Programs

Recommendations for Individual Diabetes Care Plan Guidelines

Crisis Planning: A Guide for Schools and Communities

CDC Guidance for Management of School Students Exposed SARS.

Schools Plan Responses To Bioterrorism: Education Week

CSHP Infrastructure: Strategic Plan

