
Ashe Wanda Elliott Appalachian District Health Dept

School Nursing Contacts by County Listed Under T
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Translyvania County
School Health: Sue Lever
(828) 645-1426

Child Health: Helen Farrell
(828) 236-9661

Immunization: Gina Holland
(828) 652-8939

Nutrition: Martha Boyette
(828) 645-2069

Exceptional Children: Carol Arnold
(828) 227-2085

Tyrell County
School Health: Martha Guttu
(252) 946-6481 ext. 290

Child Health: Barbara Lanford
(252) 946-6481, ext. 291

Immunization: Walter Council
(252) 413-0587
Nutrition: Kathy Griffin
(252) 946-6481, ext. 373

Exceptional Children: Kathi Wilhite
(252) 328-1519
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Ashe Wanda Elliott Appalachian District Health Dept

School Nursing Contacts by County Listed Under C
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Cabarrus County
School Health: Rachel Pich?
(704) 663-1699 ext. 269

Child Health: Evelyn Stitt
(704) 663-1699

Immunization: Susan Chandler
(704) 663-1699

Nutrition: Julie Hurt
(704) 663-1699

Exceptional Children: Nancy Johnson
(704) 547-2021

Caldwell County
School Health: Sue Lever
(828) 645-1426

Child Health: Carolyn Moser
(828) 680-9782

Immunization: Charles Philbeck
(704) 480-5439

Nutrition: Regina Asriel
(828) 654-9930

Exceptional Children: Glenda Adams
(336) 667-2191

Camden County
School Health: Martha Guttu
(252) 946-6481 ext. 290

Child Health: Barbara Lanford
(252) 946-6481, ext. 291

Immunization: Walter Council
(252) 413-0587

Nutrition: Kathy Griffin
(252) 946-6481, ext. 373

Exceptional Children: Kathi Wilhite
(252) 328-1519

Carteret County
School Health: Dale Floyd
(919) 733-3497

Child Health: Betty Cox
(910) 486-1191

Immunization: Isabel Reynolds
(919) 420-7926

Nutrition: Janet Bryan
(252) 946-6481, ext. 326

Exceptional Children: Linda West
(910) 486-1624

Caswell County
School Health: Amy Quesinberry
(336) 771-4608 ext. 334

Child Health: Cheryl Lowe
(336) 771-4608

Immunization: Ron Sapp
(336) 222-8246

Nutrition: Ann McLain
(336) 771-4608

Exceptional Children: Melinda Chambers
(919) 530-6353

Catawba County
School Health: Rachel Pich?
(704) 663-1699 ext. 269

Child Health: Carolyn Moser
(828) 680-9782

Immunization: Charles Philbeck
(704) 480-5439

Nutrition: Regina Asriel
(828) 654-9930

Exceptional Children: Glenda Adams
(336) 667-2191

Chatham County
School Health: Dale Floyd
(919) 733-3497

Child Health: Cheryl Lowe
(336) 771-4608

Immunization: Elaine Thomas
(910) 486-3398

Nutrition: Ann McLain
(336) 771-4608

Exceptional Children: Melinda Chambers
(919) 530-6353

Cherokee County
School Health: Sue Lever
(828) 645-1426

Child Health: Helen Farrell
(828) 236-9661

Immunization: Gina Holland
(828) 652-8939

Nutrition: Martha Boyette
(828) 645-2069

Exceptional Children: Carol Arnold
(828) 227-2085

Chowan County
School Health: Martha Guttu
(252) 946-6481 ext. 290

Child Health: Barbara Lanford
(252) 946-6481, ext. 291

Immunization: Walter Council
(252) 413-0587

Nutrition: Kathy Griffin
(252) 946-6481, ext. 373

Exceptional Children: Kathi Wilhite
(252) 328-1519

Clay County
School Health: Sue Lever
(828) 645-1426

Child Health: Helen Farrell
(828) 236-9661

Immunization: Gina Holland
(828) 652-8939

Nutrition: Martha Boyette
(828) 645-2069

Exceptional Children: Carol Arnold
(828) 227-2085

Cleveland County
School Health: Rachel Pich?
(704) 663-1699 ext. 269

Child Health: Carolyn Moser
(828) 680-9782

Immunization: Charles Philbeck
(704) 480-5439

Nutrition: Regina Asriel
(828) 654-9930

Exceptional Children: Nancy Johnson
(704) 547-2021

Columbus County
School Health: Ruth Storms
(910) 643-9172

Child Health: Betty Cox
(910) 486-1191

Immunization: Elaine Thomas
(910) 486-3398

Nutrition: Sue Williams
(910) 486-1703

Exceptional Children: Linda West
(910) 486-1624

Craven County
School Health: Martha Guttu
(252) 946-6481 ext. 290

Child Health: Barbara Lanford
(252) 946-6481, ext. 291

Immunization: Walter Council
(252) 413-0587

Nutrition: Kathy Griffin
(252) 946-6481, ext. 373

Exceptional Children: Linda West
(910) 486-1624

Cumberland County
School Health: Ruth Storms
(910) 643-9172

Child Health: Betty Cox
(910) 486-1191

Immunization: Elaine Thomas
(910) 486-3398

Nutrition: Sue Williams
(910) 486-1703

Exceptional Children: Linda West
(910) 486-1624

Currituck County
School Health: Martha Guttu
(252) 946-6481 ext. 290

Child Health: Barbara Lanford
(252) 946-6481, ext. 291

Immunization: Walter Council
(252) 413-0587

Nutrition: Kathy Griffin
(252) 946-6481, ext. 373

Exceptional Children: Kathi Wilhite
(252) 328-1519

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The Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) Model expands on the eight elements of the Coordinated School Health (CSH) approach from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and is combined with the whole child framework. CDC and ASCD developed this expanded model – in collaboration with key leaders from the fields of health, public health, education, and school health – to strengthen a unified and collaborative approach designed to improve learning and health in our nation’s schools. NC Healthy Schools frames its work in the context of this model.


Ashe Wanda Elliott Appalachian District Health Dept

School Nursing Contacts by County Listed Under U
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Union County
School Health: Rachel Pich?
(704) 663-1699 ext. 269

Child Health: Evelyn Stitt
(704) 663-1699

Immunization: Susan Chandler
(704) 663-1699

Nutrition: Julie Hurt
(704) 663-1699

Exceptional Children: Nancy Johnson
(704) 547-2021

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Ashe Wanda Elliott Appalachian District Health Dept

School Nursing Contacts by County Listed Under N
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nash County
School Health: Dale Floyd
(919) 733-3497

Child Health: Jackie Harrell
(919) 571-4700

Immunization: Marian Scott
(919) 255-1538

Nutrition: Annette Furr
(919) 571-4700

Exceptional Children: Melinda Chambers
(919) 530-6353

New Hanover County
School Health: Ruth Storms
(910) 643-9172

Child Health: Betty Cox
(910) 486-1191

Immunization: Elaine Thomas
(910) 486-3398

Nutrition: Janet Bryan
(252) 946-6481, ext. 326

Exceptional Children: Linda West
(910) 486-1624

Northhampton County
School Health: Dale Floyd
(919) 733-3497

Child Health: Jackie Harrell
(919) 571-4700

Immunization: Marian Scott
(919) 255-1538

Nutrition: Annette Furr
(919) 571-4700

Exceptional Children: Kathi Wilhite
(252) 328-1519

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