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The elementary lessons for grades K-5 are teacher-friendly, meaningful, and integrated with the tested subjects. Each lesson meets an objective in Healthful Living and Math or Language Arts. The steps consist of a focus step, teacher input, and an assessment activity. Elementary teachers and Elementary Consultants at DPI were involved in determining the format of these lessons. Once the lessons were complete, specific grade-level elementary teachers were asked to review and offer feedback.

There are masters of transparencies and handouts and references to reliable health education resources.

Objective 1.02
Predict physical and emotional reactionsto stressful situations.
(pdf, 195kb)

Objective 1.04
Identify family, school, andcommunity resources as sources ofsocial support to reduce or preventstress.
(pdf, 123kb)

Objective 1.05
Conclude that people have differentbody shapes, sizes and otherpersonal characteristics that makethem unique.
(pdf, 79kb)

Objective 2.01
Identify problems associated with andmeasures to control common childhooddiseases or conditions such as asthma,allergies, diabetes, and epilepsy.
(pdf, 106kb)

Objective 2.03
Summarize methods for preventing thespread of germs that causecommunicable diseases.
(pdf, 104kb)

Objective 2.07
Identify personal protection equipmentneeded for sports and recreationalactivities.
(pdf, 86kb)

Objective 2.08
Acquire skills for providing first aid forchoking victims, including demonstratingthe Heimlich maneuver.
(pdf, 98kb)

Objective 2.10
Analyze techniques used inadvertising health-related productsand services.
(pdf, 125kb)

Objective 3.01
Infer the effects of facial expression andbody language when communicating withothers.
(pdf, 1.4mb)

Objective 3.02
Demonstrate empathy for individualsaffected by disease or disability.
(pdf, 105kb)

Objective 3.03
Predict situations that might lead toviolence.
(pdf, 70kb)

Objective 3.04
Demonstrate the ability to seek helpor assistance for bullying.
(pdf, 152kb)