


The North Carolina Healthy Schools Institute
June 17 – 20, 2008
Lenoir-Rhyne College
Hickory, NC

This year’s Institute will offer a variety of sessions presented by recognized leaders in many areas, including Staff/Personal Wellness, Obesity Prevention, Mental Health, Sexual Health, Injury/Violence Prevention, and School Environment (social, built and natural), skills building and all eight components of Coordinated School Health!

Institute Objectives

  • Collaborate effectively through local School Health Advisory Councils (SHACs) to support the CSHP model
  • Gain skills in needs assessmentand planning, grant writing, advocacy, and evaluation
  • Complete a local strategic- action plan to enhance the health and well-being of school-aged children and youth
  • Contribute to a 2008-13 statewide strategic action plan to better support local SHAC and school-level efforts.

Who Should Attend

Educators, School Health Advisory Council members, public health professionals, school nurses, school nutrition professionals, school mental health & human service professionals, family members and others interested in healthy successful students.

Housing and Meals

Housing and meals will be provided on the campus of Lenoir-Rhyne College in the dorms and cafeteria. Dorms are configured in suites with most baths shared between two rooms. All meals will be included in the registration fee except one dinner “on your own” on Wednesday night. Morning and afternoon breaks will be provided. Participants will receive a confirmation letter listing items they may need to bring.


Certificates of Attendance will be awarded for 2.4 contact hours.

Team Approach

Participants are encouraged to come as Teams from their School Health Advisory Councils (SHACs), schools or communities. Although individuals are welcome, joining a team is highly encouraged. Keep in mind that the theme is “Reality TV,” so use your imagination and bond with your team as you think of creative uses for this theme!


$250 – Per person/Double Occupancy/early registration (by May 9)
$300 – Per person/Double Occupancy/late registration (by June 13)
$200 – Per person/Staying off campus* (*finding/paying for own housing)

FUN For Everyone!

The Hickory Crawdads will be gone this week, but we’ll have fun at the social on Tuesday night and the annual Tacky Banquet (using the Reality TV theme!) on Thursday evening.


Sarah Langer
Phone: 919.807.3867


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Participation Is Limited – Register TODAY!