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The elementary lessons for grades K-5 are teacher-friendly, meaningful, and integrated with the tested subjects. Each lesson meets an objective in Healthful Living and Math or Language Arts. The steps consist of a focus step, teacher input, and an assessment activity. Elementary teachers and Elementary Consultants at DPI were involved in determining the format of these lessons. Once the lessons were complete, specific grade-level elementary teachers were asked to review and offer feedback.
There are masters of transparencies and handouts and references to reliable health education resources.
Objective 1.01
Differentiate between positive and negative strss and demonstrate effective ways to cope with each.
(pdf, 100kb)
Objective 1.02/1.03
Identify feelings of depression and sadness for which someone should seek help. Demonstrate the ability to access appropriate resources for individuals experiencing feelings of depression and sadness.
(pdf, 175kb)
Objective 2.01
Define personal values and predict how values can affect health behavior.
(pdf, 246kb)
Objective 2.02
Evaluate the importance of sleep and rest in relationship to proper growth and development.
(pdf, 110kb)
Objective 2.03
Summarize the functions of the male and female reproductive systems.
(pdf, 609kb)
Objective 2.04
Analyze how media images can influence perception of a desirable body size and shape.
(pdf, 123kb)
Objective 2.05
Evaluate environments (time of day, level of shade/cover, geographic location) and/or activities that might expose someone to harmful rays of the sun and create actions that can be taken or policies that can be written to avoid sun damage.
(pdf, 375kb)
Objective 2.06
Evaluate the reliability of health information sources.
(pdf, 143kb)
Objective 2.07
Correctly apply basic first aid for common conditions.
(pdf, 302kb)
Objective 3.01
Interpret stereotyping and discrimination as limiting and hurtful behaviors and demonstrate how to address these behaviors in a positive manner.
(pdf, 129kb)
Objective 3.02
Create and demonstrate methods for resolving conflicts without violence or avoidance.
(pdf, 109kb)
Objective 5.01/5.02
Identify short and long-term effects of alcohol use.Explain reasons why individuals choose not to use alcohol.
(pdf, 118kb)
Objective 5.04
Compare and contrast the factors that influence a persons decision to use or not use tobacco.
(pdf, 95kb)
Objective 5.05
Demonstrate effective use of assertive refusal skills when declining alcohol, tobacco and other drugs.
(pdf, 167kb)