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The elementary lessons for grades K-5 are teacher-friendly, meaningful, and integrated with the tested subjects. Each lesson meets an objective in Healthful Living and Math or Language Arts. The steps consist of a focus step, teacher input, and an assessment activity. Elementary teachers and Elementary Consultants at DPI were involved in determining the format of these lessons. Once the lessons were complete, specific grade-level elementary teachers were asked to review and offer feedback.
There are masters of transparencies and handouts and references to reliable health education resources.
Objective 1.01
Describe and demonstrate appropriate ways to express and cope with emotions and feelings.
(pdf, 383kb)
Objective 1.02
Identify problem-solving strategies and demonstrate the ability to make choices using those strategies.
(pdf, 85kb)
Objective 2.02
Predict symptoms of sickness and summarize measures to get well.
(pdf, 152kb)
Objective 2.03
Identify safety hazards in the home and injury prevention strategies.
(pdf, 3.2mb)
Objective 2.04
Identify items that can cause burns and describe strategies that prevent burns.
(pdf, 5.0mb)
Objective 2.05
Demonstrate the stop, drop and roll response to burning clothing.
(pdf, 109kb)
Objective 2.07
Demonstrate how to make an emergency call.
(pdf, 100kb)
Objective 3.01
Differentiate between appropriate and inappropriate touch and demonstrate how to seek adult assistance for inappropriate touch.
(pdf, 126kb)
Objective 3.02
Demonstrate effective strategies for resolving conflict in a non-violent manner.
(pdf, 187kb)
Objective 3.03
Demonstrate respect for the personal space and boundaries of others and explain why this is important.
(pdf, 100kb)
Objective 3.04
Conclude that different people have different abilities and summarize the benefits of diversity.
(pdf, 94kb)
Objective 3.06
Differentiate between tattling and reporting aggression, bullying and violence.
(pdf, 115kb)
Objective 5.01
Evaluate the benefits of medicine when used correctly.
(pdf, 500kb)
Objective 5.02
Demonstrate how to report and not touch needles/syringes or containers for alcohol, tobacco, or other drugs.
(pdf, 878kb)
Objective 5.03
Demonstrate how to identify a harmful medicine or substance and how to respond when offered or discovering one of these substances.
(pdf, 215kb)