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The elementary lessons for grades K-5 are teacher-friendly, meaningful, and integrated with the tested subjects. Each lesson meets an objective in Healthful Living and Math or Language Arts. The steps consist of a focus step, teacher input, and an assessment activity. Elementary teachers and Elementary Consultants at DPI were involved in determining the format of these lessons. Once the lessons were complete, specific grade-level elementary teachers were asked to review and offer feedback.

There are masters of transparencies and handouts and references to reliable health education resources.

Objective 1.01
Summarize and demonstrateexpected standards for behavior suchas honesty, trustworthiness, andrespect for others.
(pdf, 183kb)

Objective 1.02
Distinguish between evaluations ofperformance and self-worth.
(pdf, 91kb)

Objective 1.03
Demonstrate how to express emotionsand feelings in a positive manner,without hurting oneself or others.
(pdf, 115kb)

Objective 2.01
Demonstrate the proper technique fortooth brushing and describe the benefitsof good dental health.
(pdf, 96kb)

Objective 2.02
Summarize methods for preventing thespread of germs through food, water,air, and touch.
(pdf, 251kb)

Objective 2.03
Summarize appropriate measures toprevent contact with the body fluids ofothers.
(pdf, 106kb)

Objective 2.04
Advocate to others the dangersassociated with excess sun exposure(sun burn, damage to the eyes, skincancer) and identify methods forprotecting oneself from the sun.
(pdf, 110kb)

Objective 3.04
Recognize bullying behaviors anddemonstrate steps to take if someone isbeing bullied.
(pdf, 176kb)

Objective 5.01
Analyze the dangers of using tobaccoproducts.
(pdf, 409kb)

Objective 5.02
Explain why one should not usetobacco or look-alike products.
(pdf, 107kb)

Objective 5.03
Demonstrate the ability to assertivelyrefuse an unwanted item or pressurefrom a peer.
(pdf, 97kb)